One thing I love to discover whenever I travel is the cultural differences, the small things that make one place unique.

In the case of Catalonia, we have a fascinating tradition: Cagatiò or the Pooping Log. Just as the name explains, it represents a Log that poops gifts.

Cagatio the pooping log

Cagatio the pooping log

Cagatiò or the Pooping Log

Cagatió is a wooden log, with a barretina – typical Catalan red hat, with a smiley face painted, and two little legs added for support. He is the equivalent of Santa Claus in Catalonia. This old tradition came about when every family would have a fireplace in their house, and they would gather around it. They would choose the most beautiful log, which would be kept till Christmas.

Christmass Market Barcelona

Christmass Market Barcelona


The kids are involved in this tradition; they are responsible for feeding the Tio and keeping it warm by covering it with a blanket. He usually likes fruits, or maybe sweets. I tried to feed mine a mandarine, but the next day was still there, so I gave him my favourite drink: a good glass of wine! He looks happy, but we will know for sure on Christmas Eve.

Cagatió the log that poops

Cagatió the log that poops

On Christmas Eve, is time for Cagatió to pay back. That’s when the kids take a stick, and they sing to Cagatió:

Caga tió, caga turró; si no et daré cop de basto!

Translating to:

Poop log, poop turrons, if not, I’m gonna hit you with a stick!

Another version of the song for Cagatio is: Caga tió, caga torró, avellanes i mató, si no cagues bé, et darè un cop de bastó! Caga tió!

Sing with me: Poop log, poop nougats, hazelnuts and mató cheese, if you don’t shit well, I will hit you with a stick! Poop log!

Cagatió - the log that poops

Cagatió – the log that poops gifts for Christmas

And then the blanket is lifted to reveal the gifts!

I think I treated my Cagatio quite nice since he was very generous! I received a smart garden, where I will grow some greens which I will use for my salads! Exactly what I wanted!

Thank you, Cagatio!

Christmas gifts
Christmas gifts


But keep in mind, in Catalonia, the actual gifts are received on the 6th of January when we celebrate the Wise Men which brought gifts to the Baby Jesus – gold, frankincense and myrrh. Here you have a video about it!

What are the traditions you celebrate back home? Do you have bizarre ones as well?

If you decide to visit Barcelona and want to lear more about the Catalan traditions, please check out the private tours I offer.


I hope to see you soon!

Happy travels!

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